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Avalie Algar Telecom
Para registrar sua opinião sobre Algar Telecom você deve ser ou ter sido cliente desta empresa.
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If you represent the supplier that is the subject of the online review, we offer you two free ways to react to a published review.
1/ You can let us know if you have any doubts about the authenticity of the review by sending us an email to [email protected]. Please indicate the reference number of review and give the reasons for your comment.
2/ You can contact us at [email protected] to ask us to give you access so that you can reply to each of the reviews published. The response will be published just below the notice in question.
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Avaliações de clientes da Selectra
Contratei meu plano de internet com a Algar e não posso reclamar. Atendimento, instalação e ótima qualidade do serviço.
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